Sunday, April 29, 2007

America’s tragedy

America’s tragedy is the vague (or no) gun policy.. Well, America does have a policy and that is to have no gun control.

Hilton - Flags flying @ half mast Mourning the Virginia Tech Tragedy
Flags were flying at half mast in Anaheim, CA after the Virginia Tech tragedy. I took this picture near the convention center (last week) where I was attending a conference. As to be expected there is lot debate about thetragedy and even President Bush visited the campus and spoke eloquently about his shock and sadness. Yet, he shied away from talking about guns and gun control.

By some accounts, there are more guns stores than Gas (petrol) stations in America providing easy access to terrible destructive power. No doubt, Cho Seung-hui was mentally disturbed and such people exist in every society. But what made the difference was the ease with which he was able to acquire the guns. Had he not been able to acquire the guns so easily, he might have killed fewer people or perhaps none at all.

In US, Guns are routinely used in killings / suicides and involved in fatal accidents. Yet, politicians on either end of the spectrum shy away from effective debate on gun control. Even after the largest peacetime massacre at Virginia Tech, there were more discussions about campus security than about guns itself.

I for one like many immigrants have never understood why politicians consider guns as holy cow and don’t talk about it. This more so because, I admire the ability of the American society introspect several sensitive issues and discuss them threadbare. From abortion to race relations to Iraq war there seem to be no holy cows expect of course guns.

I believe it is high time America introspected on this as well and did something about it.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ram Charan: Most Influential Consultant

According to Fortune magazine, Professor Ram Charan is the most influential consultant alive and powerful CEOs love to meet him. He has written (or coauthored) over 11 books and is a globetrotter who is always on the road crisscrossing the world. When I accidentally met him in the Singapore airport he was going to Bangalore on a personal visit before heading off to Zurich.

Yet, such a highflier was very approachable and a charm to interact with. When Sid, a colleague of mine and I approached him, Mr. Charan was engrossed on his Vaio, but he quickly put aside that to join us for what turned out to be an wonderful interaction that I will remember for quite some time to come.

Our initial conversation started with several open ended but interesting questions from Ram Charan on what Sid & I do and about business & SOA. He quickly distilled through our rambling expositions on SOA and came out with simplified statements on technology and SOA which really floored me. I was awed by his understanding of technology and its application to business, though he claimed to be far removed from technology. After that exchange, I could appreciate why Jack Welch would say Ram Charan has the ‘rare ability to distil meaningful from meaningless and transfer it to others without destroying confidences

Though Ram Charan declined my request for an interview, he patiently and politely responded to my queries on a wide range of topics and here it comes:

What drives him?
Ram Charan prefaced his response by mentioning that he has been asked this question several times before. He said that he is lucky to be doing what he likes and that naturally drives him. His philosophy is if you love what you do, it automatically drives to be very involved in whatever you do and everything else falls in place. Regardless of where he is on any given day, he gets up by 5:00 AM and is at his desk by 6:00 AM because he enjoys it.

About risk taking and how he decided to quit his secure tenured professorship to become an independent consultant?
Citing his Indian origin, Ram Charan mentioned that his upbringing and the Sankrit slokas he learnt over the years, kept him rooted on the purpose and minimized his wants and needs. His take is that it not as much about risk taking but very much about doing what you like. He made it clear that when he did that switch, he was not going to be penniless and was content with the safety net he had secured by then and felt it was the natural thing to do as it allowed him to do what he likes.

About being spiritual
For this query, Ram Charan said something interesting that I don’t quite follow. According to him, he is spiritual on what he does and doesn’t practice any of the rituals. However, he did sound deeply religious as he citied his upbringing and Sanskrit slokas many times during the course of our brief chat.

About SOA and Business
Ram Charan believes SOA has the potential to transform business but it is still in the nascent stage and the companies competing for the SOA market share will succeed only by focusing on distinctly differentiating their services and not by just coming to the market with a basket of services. His view (and I fully concur) is that, it is not as much about technology but about the ability of the business to adopt and benefit from SOA.

About finally getting a home
Ram Charan didn’t have a home until very recently. Even now, he doesn’t know where his apartment is in Dallas but acquired one anyways as people kept asking him about it.

About his rare interview
Ram Charan said he rarely gives interviews and that is by design. Even the Fortune interview happened only years of persistent persuasion.

Key takeaways from the interaction

  • Do what you love (or love what you do)
  • Rise Early
  • Be a life long learner

We were on a roll and I would have loved to continue the interesting conversation but he had to rush to catch his flight to Bangalore so our conversation kind of ended abruptly. But before he left, he kindly obliged our request for autograph and photos.

Ram Charan Autograph
I would have liked to get his autograph in one of his books, but all could lay my hands on in a hurry was my note book.
Ram & Ram Charan
Here is yours truly with Ram Charan. This rare and accidental opportunity to interact with the much sought after consultant in a small group left me highly thrilled, energized and made my day without a doubt.
Ram Charan & Sid
Ram Charan and Sid. I am little envious of Sid as he will get to be Mr. Charan for an additional 4+ hours as they travel to Bangalore together and might have more opportunity to interact with Ram Charan.

Works.. Finally

Finally, I am able to connect to Internet via the free BSNL wi-fi service at the Chennai airport. I have tried umpteen times and have failed, but today it works.. I hope BSNL keeps it that way..

Friday, April 27, 2007

Pleasant Coincidence - Meeting with Ram Charan

Pleasant Coincidence
This is a quick post on my meeting a person who I have only read about and awed. Also, it is interesting that just a few days back I read a very interesting and intriguing article about him (one of the rare interviews). So I was pleasantly surprised to come across him in Singapore Airport.

Surprise meeting with Ram Charan in Singapore

With the article fresh in my mind, I spotted him involved in a conversation a short distance away from where I was sitting. I quickly went to Google and confirmed it was Professor Ram Charan and waited for an opportunity to speak to him which came rather quickly. Thus, I got the rare opportunity of interacting with a person who is always on the move and difficult to find audience with. I had a brief but wonderful conversation with him for about 30+ minutes.. More on this later.. Now, I will rush to catch my flight back to Chennai.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday Marathon

I thought all marathons are held only on Sundays.. boy, I was wrong. Boston Marathon, one the most popular marathons is on a Monday (tomorrow). When my Boston friend Lakshmi told me about it being on Monday, I was skeptical, but a little bit of checking confirmed that it is on Monday.

It is going to be a interesting Marathon tomorrow as the weather conditions are going to be grueling. It is extremely windy and pouring in Boston now and weather pundits predicting more rain and possibility of couple of inches of snow. The good news is Boston Marathon has never been canceled due to weather conditions in its 110 year history and the bad news (for folks like me) is it will not be canceled due rain or snow.. so dress appropriately and run the marathon of your life..

My dream is to qualify for Boston Marathon which for my age group is 3:20. And this exactly why some dreams will remain a dream for me.. !!!

Good Luck Boston Marathon Runners..

Travelog # 30 - LAX

In a LA now.. after a long flight Frankfurt. Though, I had two long flight segments, flying via west (FRA) is actually faster than flying via east (SIN). Actually, I like the service & food of Singapore Airlines better than Lufthansa, but it offers shorter lay overs and more direct connection to many US cities which I like.

Navigating through the LAX customs and immigration was a breeze. Took super shuttle to my hotel in Disney theme park area. This shuttle service by itself was convenient and nominal (USD 15), however if you are using it, you must have lot of time and patience on your hand, as the driver goes from gate to gate collecting passengers. We spent over 30 minutes within LAX complex and another 30 minutes to getting to the hotel.

LAX - Landmark - flying saucer
LAX - Landmark - flying saucer - 3
This flying saucer like building the most visible landmark of LAX airport. Built in 1961, this theme building has been designated as a cultural and historical monument by LA city council in 1992 and has a suspended restaurant.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Call Auto - Will it Work?

Gates India is launching Call Auto service in Chennai from May 16 2007. Sounds like a nice concept, but what's in it for the independent Autos to participate in the program? First, they will have to ply by the meter and on top of it they would have to pay INR 65 per day to Gates India for the calls routed to them.

What would the Auto Drivers get in return? a paltry INR 6 per trip. If I do the math right, Autos under this program (1000 initially) will have to get at least 11 trips and ply them by meter to just break even.

This looks like a non starter to me. Chennai Autos are used to their arrogant ways and their first instinct is to rob their poor patrons. Why on the earth would they change? Unless, of course City has the guts to crack the whip, which is very unlikely.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Becomes a Travelog

I am off to LA, Boston & Beijing today.. So, my posts will become spotty (I hear you.. it is spotty as such.) and will become a travelog.

One thing, I do want to do each of this city is to run at least 15 - 20 km outside and capture it in my Garmin.. Let us if I get to do that..



வள்ளுவரின் குறள்
வருமுன்னர்க்காவாதான் வாழ்க்கை எரி முன்னர்ர்
வைத்துறு போலக்கெடும்

விவேக்கின் சென்னைக் குறள்
பஜார்ல உஜாரா இலலெண்ணா
நிஜார உருவீடுவானுக

* Heard in VijayTV today (4/14/07)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

(Un)Intended Benefits of being a ChennaiRunner

If you thought being a ChennaiRunner will only help you stay healthy and get you new friends you are wrong!.. Did you know, it could get admission for your kid in elite schools in Chennai? You are curious now right? Read on..

Chari*, one of regular ChennaiRunners has been running helter-skelter for the coveted Pre-KG admission for his kid. This became the most important activity of his family and consumed the entire family since last December. Chari tried all known tricks in the book including standing in a queue for 48 hours so that he could be the first to receive the application which would guarantee (so he was told) admission in to Vidya Mandir. He got the first application all right but still couldn't get a seat for his kid.

Chari had lost all hopes of getting admission for his kid and had reconciled to living in the doghouse for the rest of his life, that when being a ChennaiRunner came to his rescue...

Having run through the list of schools given by his wife, Chari tried the last one on the list pinned all his hope on that one. He prayed all his favorite and not so favorite Gods as he nervously took his kid for the dreaded interview. After a long and arduous wait, they were called in for the interview and that's where the miracle happened..

As Chari stepped in to the interview room, one interview panelists and the big boss (literally and figuratively) wondered aloud as to Chari being very familiar. Chari slowly sank low in his chair trying to hide and worrying what 'being familiar' mean to getting his a seat in the school for his kid. After some deep thinking for several seconds (which appeared like eternity for Chari), the stern looking Big boss smiled mentioned of frequently seeing Chari running with a weird looking belt (fuel belt) with bunch of (Chennai)runners.

Think what you may, but that acknowledgment sealed the deal and rest of the interview was a mere formality. (That's my story and I am sticking to it..)

Needless say, Chari is now a proud parent having secured admission for his kid in this prestigious school in South Madras and has since moved back in to his home from the doghouse.

So my friends, start running for your kids (or grand kids) sake if not for your health.. it does have some (un)intended benefits..

Happy Running..

*Name Changed.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Will Chennai City Center Go?

Will Chennai City Center Go?
Chennai City Center
The newest mall in Chennai has been asked to evacuate so that 'demolition can begin'. This because of the numerous violations to the plan including adding an entire floor
Subsequently, fresh deviations, including conversion of a portion of the parking lot for commercial use and building of an extra floor to accommodate a food court, were detected.
I wonder why Chennai Metropolitan Development Authorities (CMDA) waited so long to catch this problem. Are there periodic inspections during the construction phase?

Regardless, what do think will happen to order? My take, nothing.. It will be forgotten..

Google Couldn't Google for this One

The most popular search engine couldn't use its search tools to find Kaiser. Google had to go the conventional way and call in foot soldiers to search of Kaiser, which took over 2 days.
"Our exterminator, with Google's security team and the snake's owner, are searching for it. Should you see the snake, please do not attempt to touch it or pick it up. Call security immediately
If you are still wondering, Kaiser is a 3 foot python and its owner Adam brought it to Google NYC office as part of bring your pet policy where it gave quietly slipped out of its tank. After frantic search, Kaiser was indeed found resting behind a closet and was promptly caught and given marching orders.
"A snake was lost; it was not an April Fool's joke. It was found last night," a Google spokeswoman said on Tuesday. "The snake has [since] left the building."

Monday, April 02, 2007

What is Globally Integrated Enterprise?

Globally Integrated Enterprise (GIE) is a relatively NEW terminology coined and introduced by my big boss in Foreign Affairs. This article received lot of press and has been much debated and discussed. The idea of a GIE is built on the premise that the world is flat and in a flat world all things are possible.

Now that the world is flat (Is it really?), organizations across the spectrum are moving to further integrate and consolidate its position across the geographies. The winners in the 21st century will make the next billions from BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India & China) countries so it is important for large global brands to further integrate their business across artificial geographical boundaries.

But what does it mean to globally integrate? What does it exactly mean? It is much more than having presence across the world and it definitely much more than having manufacturing base
in China and ITES out of India. It is about considering the entire world as one vast market place for sourcing and selling. Of course, we know that it is easier said than done. But the barriers to Global Village is entirely human made and thus in theory can be removed.

Global Sourcing: This is not a politically correct (PC) term for labor arbitrage but a true global sourcing of ideas, raw material and labor. In a flat world the next Google or Youtube could come from any part of the world and not just from Silicon Valley. The actual challenge is not about concept or the opportunities but the operational aspects. The people, process and assimilation of ideas and realizing them is where the challenges exist. And to the extent organizations can make it truly happen have pots of gold is waiting them. But no one has really gotten to those pots of gold yet.

Global Production: Ability produce where it is optimal

Global Market place: Ability to view the entire world as a single marketplace and sell wherever there is market.

Global responsibility: Having the same environmental and labor standards across the world. For GM, it is to have same pollution control standards in California and Cambodia. For Toyota, it is to have same labor welfare laws in Tokyo and Tashkent.

what's your take on Globally Integrated Enterprise?

Here is Sam Palmisano's take in Foreign Affairs.

While the globally integrated enterprise is still an emergent idea, the outlines of major attributes that will characterize the winners are becoming clear. Think of an enterprise that:

  • Shifts its focus from what it makes to how it makes it. In other words, it attacks economics – new challenges to productivity and growth – by honing in on opportunities only recently made possible to change where and how work gets done.
  • Understands that economies of expertise will flourish everywhere. In a world where the means of production and distribution are available to everyone, the globally integrated enterprise recognizes that the only way to differentiate is on skills. Or to put it another way, it's as much about the global sourcing of ideas as labor.
  • Believes that open always wins. Globally integrated enterprises embrace shared business and technology standards that let businesses plug into global systems of production – from sourcing to design and manufacturing to distribution. And above all else, they recognize that "open" is the new leveler – stimulating the free flow of ideas and new levels of collaboration.