Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Who Will be the Next President of US?

Two important primaries are underway in US as I write this post. Democrats of Indiana and North Carolina are choosing between Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton today with each of them projected to carry one state with them.

I am not sure if today's vote will be decisive enough to make a definitive call on Democratic nominee but if Hillary manages to carry both the states today, then it is likely to swing the super delegates to her camp and would eventually help her clinch the nomination and the presidency.

I hope she does.. because whosoever clinches the Democratic nomination is most likely win the November showdown as well...

That's my call.. what's is yours? Who do you think will be the next President of US ? Clinton, Obama or McCain?


  1. I hope for the sake of our country McCain wins. If not I could settle for Clinton. I think Obama is much to green and so is this country. All the young americans want him because he preaches change. Has everyone forgot that its all bull shit anyway and they hardly ever get anything they promise through congress anyway.
    McCain is realistic.

  2. Only a democrat please... but they have slung so much mud on each other that McCain stands a chance there. But I would definitely like to see Obama as the Prez and maybe Hillary as the Veep.
