As you know, there are lot of things to do and see in NYC and one must see place is Manhattan. It is the happening place in the city. The energy levels on the streets of Manhattan is quite high and reminded me of Mumbai in more ways than one. But, I found NYC far better organized than Mumbai. Manhattan is basically divided in to near grids of avenues and streets. While the Avenues run north souths, streets run east west with Sixth Avenue forming the dividing line between east west streets. While it looked daunting initially, once I got the hang of the grid, navigating NYC became very easy.

Cycle Rickshaws for hire in Manhattan. They are regulated and park only at designated spots.

Long line only for this street vendor selling middle eastern food. There are several street vendors selling food in Manhattan but I found only this vendor attracting large crowds all the time.

Times Square.. one of the must see places in Manhattan.. always busy..

Two dollars snap a picture with is 'statue of liberty' at Times Square.

Defense forces recruitment @ Times Square.

Broadway.. near Times Square

Interesting art work in Sixth Avenue near Central park
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The art work in the last picture is a sculpture of the famous 1932 photograph "Lunch atop a skyscraper" . Though this sculpture is at the ground level, you can see from the photo below that they were sitting on a beam on the 69th floor of the 'Rockefeller' center.