I knew of him only after his lastlecture made its rounds in net. But, what is astonishing about Mr.Pausch is that he didn't buckle under the fear of death and tried, tried hard till the very last. By his very lecture and actions, he inspired countless around the world and certainly inspired me. I will always remember what he has to say about brickwalls.. they are there for a reaon..
the brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other peoplMay his soul rest in peace and may god by with his family and kids at this difficult time...
Death...This five letter word evokes many emotions in hearts of people. The most basic emotion that comes out is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of what would happen to our 'identity' after death. Will life as we know stop existing? Will I shed this body and take up another?
ReplyDeleteWhat is going to happen? I don't know.. So I am afraid..Afraid of the unknown.
Well, if you think logically, whatever happens after death will happen whether you fear that or not. So why fear death at all?
And if you start thinking on death philosophically, referring to some texts, your belief in life after death gets stronger and with that you belief, you wouldn't say,
"May his soul rest in peace..".
You would say, "May his soul enjoy its newfound freedom and rejoice and celebrate...". Indeed, some communities see death as a cause for celebration, not one for deep mourning.
The world has lost a brilliant and a humble teacher. Personally have been his fan ever since my college days. I know many of us would miss him. May his soul rest in peace.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this video, Ram.
Ram, thanks for the update on the news you brought to many of us... I guess this was one of ur best posts when u posted his last lecture 1st time. Many thanks once again.
ReplyDeleteI first read about him in your Blog and listened to his lecture. Truely a great guy. Someone you wish you had known. There is always a bright side in knowing about your death a few months in advance.
You can prepare..financially (Where did he keep the deed to that land??) and emotionally (Yes, honey! i would be happy if you remarry... Gosh No! anyone but that jerk!.. !!!grrr!!! )
I am also happy to hear he got 6 million for his last lecture book deal. (Atleast he set up his family financially secure).
ha ha ha ha .. well said Patrick.. that was really hilarious!!
ReplyDeleteMy dad wanted the book and I picked it the day it arrived in India. He enjoyed the book and it was the last book he read !!!
Nice article Ram.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back after a lull.
Please post an update on Nambikkai Jana.
i dont know about him ofcourse until i stumbleupon his last speech
ReplyDeleteசுதந்திர தின வாழ்த்துக்கள்.