Friday, August 17, 2007

EMail Stress

EMail Stress
I may be afflicted by it. I do constantly check my various in-boxes frequently and see what's going on though I control the urge to respond immediately. I have tried following the prescription but have relapsed in to my old ways.

So the solution lies in not monitoring your mails constantly but instead setting aside a dedicated email reading times to catch up on messages, and giving yourself time to reply.

How about you? How do you handle the deluge of emails coming your way each minute? (Of the six trillion sent in 2006, some ought to have been for you).


  1. Just sync. them in Outlook/Thunderbird and set aside, say, 5 minutes an hour to check them. This way they're all in one place, and there's no backlog.

  2. I have seen many including myself are addictive to constantly check mail(like every 2 or 3 minute).The only time people are not checking mails is when they are on a phone call.
    Constantly checking mail is very distracting especially when you are trying to get something done yourself. On days in which I am doing problem solving I close down the mail program and sometimes even disconnect from network. This is the only way I can overcome the temptation.
