Friday, October 20, 2006

Seven Steps To Climbing Corporate Ladder

Heard this interesting analogy between office productivity tools and climbing the corporate ladder.
  1. Create Word documents: You are the owner and is responsible for verbose documents that someone else will review.
  2. Review Word documents: You don't create them but nevertheless responsible for review and content
  3. Create Excel Spreadsheets: You are the owner and responsible for creating spreadsheets that someone else will review.
  4. Review Excel spreadsheets: You are not the owner but is responsible for review and accuracy.
  5. Create Power Point Presentations: You are owner and is responsible for content and format.
  6. Review Power Point Presentations: You are not the owner but is responsible for review and content.
  7. Get Others to prepare your presentations: You get others to prepare and review your presentations. If you are here, then you truly have arrived.
Where are you in the corporate ladder?

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