Saturday, June 17, 2006

Ultra Marathon

Ultra Marathon in India..

Perhaps for the first time, Ultra Marathon is coming to India. Its going to happen in Mysore for 10 days from September 22, 06 - October 2, 06. I am not sure if they are going from Mysore to some where else say Goa or something. I have seen some of the iron man races in TV and always wondered how people do it.. I will have to keep wondering and wishing about this.. as, I don't even come anywhere close to the requirements..

First priority will be given to runners with a proven ability to run at least 130 kilometers in 24 hours - 250 kilometers in 48 hours, and who have run at least 500 kilometers in 6 days.

A minimum of 42.195 kms to be completed everyday and not more than 8 hrs of rest allowed at a stretc

(Via - Hari & Ajendra)

Related Links

Ultra Marathon Details


  1. Ram,
    This ultra run is not on roads, but on an athletic track of 400mts. So you keep going on the track, THAT's IT!!!
    I guess even ultra run professionals will find it boring

  2. Hari

    That's what I understood but wasn't sure..

    Running a track for such a long time would be just too boring and monotonous..

  3. Visu,
    What you are doing is Ultra marathan for me as I do not even do any running
    even on a treadmill, that I would like to do.

    - Laks Sankaran.

  4. Running at one place is going to be boring for sure. Man.. I could not imagine running for so many hours and so many days. Nice to hear that such things are coming to India.

  5. Laks
    Thanks.. Knowing you.. all you have to do is to 'just step out'.. and 'running' will latch on to you in know time.. try it..

    Yeah.. Its going to be interesting as to how exactly its going to work out.. but in any case, glad to see events like this coming to India.. which is sure to create some awareness with the local population..

  6. mostly this event is postponed to next year. btw , running around tracks in one of the oldest forms of ultra running.

  7. Anil

    I didn't know that.. but wouldn't that be too boring..

  8. Global Ultramarathon running races
