Monday, March 24, 2008

Run in Rain

ECR Run # 6 was a rainy affair. Though it rained, it did not stop over 25 enthusiastic runners from participating in the run.. For the first time, we had runners as young as 9 participating in the run. It rained rather heavily during the start and at the end of our 30K run. As a kid, one always get admonished 'don't play in the rain'.. but yesterday, I got to run in the rain and must say enjoyed it thoroughly.

The challenge running in the rain is that your clothes become drenched and you tend carry additional pounds in your clothes, socks and shoes. Though, it felt rather uncomfortable initially, I got used to it and started enjoying the rhythm of splashing water and the mud. But the rain and shine did do a number on my running time which wasn't anything to write home about.. I took 3:24 hours for 30.54km.

Anyways, it was enjoyable experience with several firsts..
  1. Thanks to KK, we gave away certificates for the first time.. our own chennai runners certificate!!!!..
  2. Thanks to Tiger, we got our first sponsorship.. Pepsi gave us a liberal supply of Gatorade & Aquafina.
  3. Thanks to Divya and Deepika Mahesh, youngest runners ever to partipate in a ECR Run...
  4. Also, for the first time, we had families running together.. reminded me of the adage I heard in US.. familes that run (play) together, stay together.. good show Lakshmi, Sandhya & Nithya..
Sandy's pictures and his run report


  1. Ram, thank you for the co. during the 1st 10k. The chain initiation by you once again made it very interesting and speeded up the run.

    lovely weather.. you were lucky to have hard rain hitting you towards the end. I didnt have such luck!! :))

    Thanks for initiating the 6th run too... yes.. its definitely getting bigger and better!

    thanks once again..

  2. Hi Ram - this is a very nice blog. I am a doc (did medschool at MMC) from Houston, Texas. The work you guys are doing is great - being the netsurfer/couch potato that I am (when I am not working in the hospital), your blog motivated me to start running on a regular basis, and I have been consistent at it for about two months now. Please keep up the good work and good luck!

    Vijay Ganesh D

  3. Hi Ram
    stubled upon your blog, great work.. love the info you had provided under various category..
    Me in Chennai now, from Hong Kong..
    all the best

  4. George
    Any day man.. You would have made my day when you run a full marathon.. btw.. it is not very far away..

    Vijay Ganesh
    Glad to have provided a small spark that got you ignited.. You are Doctor.. you know the benefits and know the drill.. keep up.. and join us when you come to Chennai

    Thanks Swathi.. keep visiting..
    My Son just pointed out that you are doing some TaiChi sessions in Mandavelli.. good luck with that..
