Monday, February 05, 2007

Most Visited Website

Most Visited Website..
If someone asked me about the most visited website from work, I would have blurted google yahoo msn, youtube etc., But never in the world would have said shaadi. But, that's exactly what I heard from the infrastructure guys of a major IT company in India.

Hey!!! Don't look at as though I am from another planet. I am not in the market and I have no clue on these things. I found my partner 15+ years back and have no intentions of changing.


  1. Orkut would be the most visited site I guess... But most of the companies have blocked it... but it is still accessible thru proxies...


    Im here after a long time... Wassup? How r U...?

  2. Came here thro' usha's blog.You have to visit sooner or later,if not for yourself then it'll be for your children.Good luck.will return for more.

  3. @agree with Jaggy

    In Most s/w companies. The average age group is around 25-30 . Most of them financially independent & contended and their next goal in life being marriage.
    I guess that explains it all :),

    Might be some demographic expert will be able to give us a good reasoning.


  4. has made great inroads in Indian market.Parents/guardians use this website as a resource to reach out to prospective bride/groom or their family. Marriage still is arranged and negotiated by parents/guardians. Most of the entries are initially made by the computer literate prospective bride/groom. Is it true that Microsoft has some stake in this website? Caveat emptor will apply.


  5. Jaggy
    Hello there.. how are you?
    Orkut!!!.. have heard about it.. my son frequents it..

    Hip Grandma
    Yeah.. possibly for my kids..

    Makes sense..

    It is amazing to see this sort of a thing taking off.. This is great tool to connect prospective bride and grooms across the world and will come handy for folks living outside India..
    MSFT has a stake in this company..? no idea..
