Sunday, December 31, 2006

Resolution Ritual

Well, its that time of the year.. While any time is the right time for resolving and doing things, this new year resolution ritual seems to be age old and I have seen people do and have been part of this ritual for quite some time now.. So here comes mine for 2007 and beyond:
  1. Become a more calmer person: Not sure how I would do this, but would like to calm the mind, be softer in reaction (react less and act more). One thing I would to practice is to 'speak softly' and make it part of my DNA. I have a very long way to go on this front. Here I am reminded of Thiruvalluvar's 100th kural (இனிய உளவாக இன்னாத கூறல்... கனி இருப்பக் காய்கவர்ந் தற்று.)
  2. Beginning learning an instrument: Start learning key board and be able be able to identify ragas and stuff.
  3. Devote time to spirituality: Haven't spent much time in this front since returning from US. I would like to re-establish contact with Vedas and on a regular basis.
  4. Devote time reaching out in my own small way: Again, I feel deficient in this area, need to shore up. Would like to devote time and energy in this front.
  5. Blog: 1) Start blogging from my domain 2) Blog in Tamil 3)Consistent and well thought out writing. Would like to write like Sujatha & Tom Friedman
  6. Health: 1) Continue exercising regularly 2) Run at least 3 marathons
  7. Rise Early: Make it part of my DNA in 2007


  1. Happy New Year, Ram. Wish you all the best.

  2. Mind boggling blogging on resolutions! Good Luck.

    Well I stumbled upon your blog, when I was looking for CAS... er the new CAS with Five INR per channel.

    Any ideas? (I am at Gopalapuram)


  3. Your Resolutions

    6 Leads not only to better health, but to a reduced levels of anger, anxeity & depression. If you can try and redirect all your anger energy to your exercise, you will be a lot better. Add YOGA to your regular routine. 15 minutes is more than enough.

    3 Leads to a clearer, sharper & focussed mind. When the mind is relaxed, so is the body.

    2 requires developing a taste and falling in Love with an instrument.

    Hope you don't watch TV / read books too much late nights. Also hope that you don't worry unnecessarily. In which case, 6, 3 & 2 will lead you to 7, 4 & ultimately 1.

    Every human, is an addict of something or other (It could be drugs, shopping, drinking, sex, anger....). It is only the realisation which is lacking. It is always better to develop habits, which will take you away from your addiction, as it is rightly said - TOO MUCH OF SWEET IS POISON. Your resolutions are good & most important, please put them to action. At regular intervals, say 1 - 3 months time, go back to this post & see if you have progressed.

    Finally, in order for you to do all of what you want to do, write down how you are going to do it. This will help you a lot.

    GOD bless you. Wish you & family a happy & prosperous new year 2007.

  4. sundaresan / Raman
    Thanks a bunch

    Thanks.. INR 5 per channel is for the 'pay channels' and one must have the set top box..

    Thanks bunch for you kind words and encouraging thoughts.. I will definitely intend to keep an my resolutions and how I progress..
