Thursday, November 30, 2006

Now... Recommendation For What?

Now.. Recommendation for what..?

For all kinds of things.. even for a train ticket.. Welcome to Babugiri..

I was having lunch in a Hotel / Restaurant in Patterson Road (Near Anna Salai), when a tired looking man came plunged in to a vacant chair in my table (This is an accepted practice in Chennai). Though, this gentleman (let's call him Muthu) looked haggard, he was cheerful and friendly. With a sense of accomplishment, he took out an official looking document and sought my assistance in reading it.

My eyes popped as I read the brief but a pointed letter. It was a recommendation letter from GK Vasan, a Congress Party leader (a federal minister) to get a train ticket confirmed. Muthu had spent all of morning in the Congress Party office to get this recommendation letter for his boss. Now, after a hurried lunch, he will trek to the Central Station to get the ticket officially confirmed and take it to his boss.

At end of all this odyssey, this gentleman would have spent an entire day working the system to get a Chennai - Trichy train ticket for his boss.

I know the BabuGiri / power of politicians runs deep, but this was a new low and thus an interesting but sad revelation for me.


  1. Many varities of Banana

    to satisfy the citizens of the

    World's largest 'Banana Republic'.

  2. Yes, this does seem like a new low. One would think that political influence would be used for bigger and better things, even though they are unjustifiable. The harm with this is the depth of these kinds of Babugiri and corruption in our society. And that would only make it much harder to go away. I know it is not easy, but did you convey any of your thoughts to that guy Muthu?

  3. I guess this may be one of the "free" tickets that the politicians help themselves under some bill or other and hence needing all this reco?

  4. Nithya
    No.. I just had a good chat with Muthu.. He is a ordinary guy.. glad to be of help to his master..

    Raman / Usha
    Transparency will help.. I have heard stories about how computerization took the graft out the Railway reservation staff.. but then, they seem to have codified 'quota' for Babus.. I guess..

  5. Sad to read about these kinds. It is a pity that these still exists and will take long time to change.

  6. Balaji

    yes.. it very much..transparency in the system can help kill this to a certain extent..
