Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ahh!! Women

I got these from a friend of mine and wanted would like to dedicate this post to my blogosphere friends, Thennavan & Prabhu Karthik...

Thennavan & Prabhu Karthik.. You are cautioned!!!
20060322 Men and Women 1
New Math Formula

20060322 Men and Women 2
Finally, an explanation of Woman that makes sense

20060322 Men and Women 3
Chances of a man winning a argument

20060322 Men and Women 4
Simplicity Vs ????

20060322 Men and Women 5
Shopping Experience (Can see lot of orphaned husbands in Usman Road, Chennai !!!)


  1. Visu..enna achu?? LOL :)

    Orhpaned Husbands in Usman Roada..!!!

    Thennavan/PK...Watch out .!!

  2. LOL!...btw, had u sit on the chairs placed in the shop's lobby in Usman Road? andha kobathula potta post madhiri irukku ;-))

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  4. RAm, ROTFL. I want to use this as my post for today. Thanks.

  5. Hi Visu,
    This reminds me of a slogan I had seen in Srini's T-shirt long time back. The slogan is
    "Man is incomplete until he is married, Then he is Finished".

    - Laks Sankaran.

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  7. Friends

    Visit the infamous Usman Road with your 'better' half once.. just once.. to experience the joy of shopping in Chennai (NOT!!!!!!!!!!!)
